Introduction The life sciences industry is a vast and emergent area which aims to enhance the wellness of life by means of science and technology. This industry covers almost every field from chemicals, pharmaceuticals to biomedical, biotechnology, medical devices, etc. Therefore, it will be necessary to consider the specifics of the life sciences industry and […]

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Introduction The life science industry is a rapidly growing industry in the market. lifescience market research is essential at the beginning of any development. The presence of numerous players has made it more competitive than before and leading market research consulting companies play a vital role in providing the right data to clients. The life […]

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Have you ever wondered how pharmaceutical companies are able to bring a new drug to market? The answer lies in the rigorous process of clinical trials which play a crucial role in the development of new drugs, as they help researchers understand the safety, efficacy, and optimal dosing of new compounds/molecules. Market research can play […]

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The Indian pharmaceutical industry is the most booming industry in the lifesciences sector. It is growing rapidly and is estimated to reach 130 billion USD in 2030, while global market value will cross the value of 1 trillion USD in 2023. India is a base for 3000 pharma companies having more than 10000 manufacturing facilities. […]

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Introduction Market research is the procedure of investigating the viability of a new service or product by engaging with potential clients personally. market research assists businesses in comprehending and interpreting an ever-more complicated reality and creating profitable business plans.Market research is an essential tool for the life science industry as it helps companies to understand […]

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